Open Graph settings determine how your link looks on social media and can heavily improve your clickrate.
In principle, it consists of the same components as the Meta settings (which are relevant for Google Search results):
- A short expressive title
- A suitable description
- A suitable picture, best in landscape format
Generate Open Graph Settings automatically
You can also automatically set the title, description and images for repeating pages such as blog posts, recipes, etc. in a Content Management Systems (CMS). There you have for example the choice to automatically give your blog post the Open Graph Title: Blog Title - Category.
I have set everything, but in Facebook the picture doesn't load?
Sometimes Facebook isn't as fast as you are and has either left old information in your mail or hasn't loaded titles and pictures yet. You can easily fix this problem. Just go to the page of the facebook debugger and let your URL debug again. Here you will automatically see which information is received by facebook and how the URL is loaded into facebook.